Saturday, August 25, 2007


在 last minute 由 soup cafe 轉去食烏冬 (怎麼我總以為那裡是吃烏冬? 人家是拉麵店). 等位期間受盡那位派飛大嬸的氣, 不停地趕我們出店外 "出去啦, 出去啦", 又不直接回答問題:

V: 3 號要等幾多張枱?
嬸: 號碼順住落架. (那時叫到 25號)
V: 即係仲有幾多?
嬸: twenty five

食物嘛... 拉麵湯底好咸. (我還英勇地要了牛油拉麵, 肥到呢...) 三色薯餅也不錯, 但熱氣到爆炸, 瓜分了 1/4 個就剛剛好. 餃子最好吃, 皮薄, 煎起但不油膩. 再去的話, 只會吃餃子.

原來該派飛大嬸的惡劣態度是出了名的, 從 openrice quote 來的:

1. And again, me and my friends were being treated like a dog by the red-hair old waitress at the entrance. We were asking to be seated as we saw there're lots of empty tables and we did make a reservation and we had been waiting for a while. Other customers who didn't book a table were asking for a ticket but she was yelling at all of us with her annoying voice saying that we are blocking her entrance. She basically told us to go out.

2. 札榥唔係第一次幫襯, 佢D面係几 OK law,location又好, 至衰係D 阿姐. 臭串到你想大大巴車落佢道... 各位辛苦揾黎志在食. 如果我地食到要睇人面色, 我寧願唔再幫襯!!!

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